Friday, October 30, 2009
If you volunteer your time to make Matawan a better place, you deserve applause.
If you volunteer your time to make Matawan a better place,
you deserve applause.
After witnessing a car accident that set an engine on fire, shooting flames thirty feet in the air, the sight of volunteer firefighters jumping from their trucks in the middle of Route 34 to put out the flames left a sense of awe that these brave men were doing this as volunteers.
Watching your son make a game ending catch in centerfield or your daughter dribble a soccer ball through two defenders before passing to her teammate is only possible because parents volunteer as coaches, league organizers and sometimes taxi drivers.
The Memorial Day Parade is the best display of Matawan Volunteers.
A mile long stream of residents and children proud to show their participation in all the best Matawan has to offer. With an escort by The Matawan Police Department, representatives from every organization march from Saint Clements Church to the Train Station. Waving flags and shouting to neighbors and friends while the High School Band plays the Star-Spangled Banner, Matawan celebrates a somber National Holiday by showing its appreciation for those who make Matawan a better place.
Matawan Church Groups make their own floats, The Historical Society endures the walk in period clothing from another century, Matawan Senior Groups entertain us with renditions of golden oldies and Boys and Girls Scout Groups throw candy to the crowds along Main Street. All the youth sports groups are represented by a rainbow of different colored team shirts. The Fire Departments in dress uniforms march behind their Fire Engines that are polished reflections of their dedication and service.
The parade reminds us that there are many volunteer organizations in Matawan and every volunteer adds something that makes Matawan a better place to live. It is time to expect the same from our elected officials. We need people in office who can make Matawan a better place to live.
We need to elect Mullaney and Paolini on November 3.
How much longer can Matawan afford to be penny wise and pound foolish?
How much longer can Matawan afford to be penny wise and pound foolish?
In other words, how much longer can the foolish policies of Mayor Buccellato continue to cost Matawan real money while saving pennies?
In an effort to reduce utility costs, Mayor Buccellato decided to let the borough employees work a four-day week. The real savings have still not been presented to the council even after repeated requests although the Mayor has stated that it’s in the thousands of dollars. One, two, maybe three thousand dollars. Borough Hall is still open on Fridays and it still has heat and air conditioning and electricity and it’s still staffed with custodians, it’s just not open to transact business.
This (not so) ingenious policy was implemented in the middle of the largest development project in Matawan in decades, The Preserve by American Properties. This 157 unit condominium project will yield Matawan Borough up to $1,000,000 in real estate taxes upon completion. And yet, Matawan closes borough hall down an extra day a week during construction.
This has caused delays in permits, inspections and access to borough ordinances. Assistance from the Borough Administrator, Patriot Consulting, is limited to 15 hours per week. The Mayor determined that would be sufficient time for the Borough Administrator to solve Matawan’s financial crisis and resolve any issues with the developer. American Properties has been very patient but you have to wonder where is the wisdom in cutting services to save pennies when the increase in real estate tax revenue is so substantial.
How much longer can Matawan provide perks to borough employees at the expense of commercial development? The borough is in a financial crisis and in desperate need of additional tax ratables and the Mayor takes steps to delay construction and postpone tax collection.
Matawan needs elected officials that have vision and can see the big picture.
Stop the Republican Road Blocks to Recovery
Stop the Republican Road Blocks to Recovery
One term is not enough for the Matawan Democrats to turn around years of Republican delays that have lead to the decay of Matawan.
The Matawan Democrats replaced the long-time Borough Auditor, a sole practitioner, with a full service CPA firm. Last year, this firm uncovered a $213,000 overpayment to the Matawan Aberdeen Board of Education. The Matawan Republicans then fired the CPA firm.
The train station development has stalled due to the economy but now the Matawan Republicans eager to give out government contracts are jumping on the “Save the Dams” bandwagon. The Matawan Democrats believe these dams are the responsibility of the county and will fight to save your tax dollars from being spent on the dams.
Government contracts beget government contracts and as long as The Matawan Republicans are awarding these contracts the Matawan Taxpayers will lose.
The Mayor of Matawan lists his private architectural firm’s “Focus” as: “Government Offices”
This is the same Mayor who wants to prevent a tire salesman and a tow truck owner from providing services to Matawan’s emergency vehicles. When will this mayor disclose the amount of government contracts his firm has been awarded?
The Matawan voters can’t afford to be naïve. Look around and see what years of Republican leadership under Paul Buccellato has wrought.
When someone asks where you live, are you proud to say Matawan?
It’s time to restore that pride.
It’s time to elect the Matawan Democrats to get Matawan back on track.
ONE TERM IS NOT ENOUGH to correct the decades of incompetent financial management by Matawan Republicans
ONE TERM IS NOT ENOUGH to correct the decades of incompetent financial management by Matawan Republicans.
In 2008, Matawan Borough borrowed $300,000 in “Emergency Funds” from the 2009 budget to pay for 2008 expenses.
The Republicans offered many excuses,
Blaming the Democrats-original
Blaming the cost of insurance-finally dropping the self-insurance
that was recommended three years earlier by the Democrats
Blaming the loss of state aid-while still receiving more aid per capita than most towns
The Republicans failed to mention the $213,000 overpayment to the Matawan-Aberdeen Board of Education that will be returned in 2009. This overpayment was discovered by the Audit Firm hired by the Democrats and then fired by the Republicans.
The Republicans failed to mention the loss from Train Station of almost $70,000. Remarkably, the train station is projected to breakeven in 2009.
2008 2009
Railroad Income $125,000 $245,608
Railroad Expenses 192,805 245,608
Net (Loss) $( 67,805) 0
The Republicans failed to mention that $276,959 of 2008 expenses were not even paid until 2009. Emergency funds or election deception?
Don’t be mislead by the Republican Excuses,
Vote Mullaney and Paolini for Matawan Borough Council,
A successful businessman and a lawyer.
Vote for Business leaders with real financial experience.
Why all the Mullaney and Paolini signs on Matawan’s businesses and commercial properties?
Why all the Mullaney and Paolini signs on Matawan’s businesses and commercial properties?
Could it have something to do with the problems routinely encountered at Borough Hall by the Matawan business community?
How much longer can Matawan survive without new business ratables?
The business community is solidly behind the Democrats after years of the failed Republican strategy to concentrate on the train station development and ignore the businesses that are struggling to survive.
One Main Street business was forced to postpone opening over some petty violation with an interior door closing, other businesses have reported lost applications and incomplete instructions. Oddly, the Mayor recently suggested that he would consider lifting the background check requirement for new businesses, the fastest and cheapest part of the process. Big surprise that he again misses the big picture, Matawan needs to become business friendly again. Commercial properties pay real estate taxes at the same rate as residences but they don’t cost the Board of Education a penny. They help alleviate the school tax burden considerably.
The businesses in town respect Bud Mullaney and know that he is an asset to the Borough Council. These local businesspeople understand the struggle to remain in Matawan and they’ve endorsed the candidates who can help them remain here, with or without the train station development. Main Street needs help now, Main Street needs Mullaney and Paolini.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We Proudly Introduce The Democratic Candidates for Matawan Council
When the town is a financial mess, what is the best course of action? Look to the governing body for a solution. Their response will speak volumes about the direction they would like Matawan to take.
The Matawan Democrats would like to address the financial problems by electing councilmen with track records of success. They have nominated candidates with experience and solid financial backgrounds.
The incumbent, Joseph “Bud” Mullaney, is a local business owner who with his wife, Mary, raised their three children on Edgemere Drive. He worked hard to put all three through college and his two sons continue to work in Matawan. Joe, Jr. has an MBA and manages the family business and Michael a Doctor of Physical Therapy has opened a practice on Main Street with his wife. His daughter was a councilperson in Matawan before moving to Aberdeen. He and Mary have four grandchildren. Bud has served his first three year term and is looking forward to another three years with the experience he has gained from his first term.
Continuity has been a problem for Matawan’s politicians in past elections. The phrase, “one and done” has applied to “terms served” too often in Matawan. The experience gained from serving a term in office is invaluable when budgeting and capital projects are prepared annually. Currently, only Mayor Buccellato and Councilman Cannon have served more than one term. Unfortunately, Councilman Cannon is not seeking re-election. His knowledge and input on all aspects of the council, especially the finance committee will be sorely missed. Matawan has been well served by Michael Cannon, a politician who always put Matawan before partisanship. He has been an independent voice for the improvement of Matawan and his seat will be hard to fill. We wish him well in all future endeavors.
The Matawan Democrats have done their best to select an outstanding candidate for the open position. They have nominated Richard Paolini to run for the seat to be vacated by Councilman Cannon. Richard is an Attorney who works as a Vice President for JP Morgan Chase. He and his wife, Beth, live on Wyckoff Street and they are expecting their first child in March. He is confident that he has much to offer Matawan given his extensive financial and legal background.
Mullaney and Paolini offer voters a chance to rescue Matawan from the financial hardships facing taxpayers. They are proud of where they live and would like to restore Matawan’s reputation as a desirable place to raise a family, locate a business and enjoy the many resources Matawan has to offer.
Let the Sunshine “Laws” In and Matawan will be a better place
Let the Sunshine “Laws” In and Matawan will be a better place
A responsible governing body makes decisions regarding matters to be discussed in Executive Session vs. Open Meetings. It should base each decision on the need for legitimate privacy not the desire for inappropriate secrecy.
The governing body should make these decisions with the advice of competent and independent legal counsel.
Those serving on governing bodies should use executive session judiciously and wisely. It should never give the appearance of doing something behind the backs of the voting public.
The purpose of executive session in governmental bodies is not to hide important information from the public, but to protect the innocent. As in the case of personnel matters when the information to be discussed could be false and harmful to the employee’s reputation by having someone’s good name damaged by falsehoods if made public. This would also expose the governing body to criticism and possible legal action for spreading falsehoods. A call for executive session is warranted in these types of cases.
The purpose of executive session is not to withhold information from the voting public that exposes prior poor decisions and errors in judgment. It is not to make plans to spend millions of tax dollars without public input. It is simply the wrong thing to hide costly mistakes and expensive projects in executive session when the public has the right to be informed. The misuse of executive session takes away a valuable component of good government, transparency.
In the case of Matawan’s governing body there needs to be more transparency and less secrecy. There will be a definite benefit for the taxpayers to elect a councilman who will ensure that all matters discussed in executive session belong in executive session. A councilman familiar enough with the law to challenge the excuses offered as justification for executive session when an Open Meeting is the right choice for Matawan’s taxpayers.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Mayor Called Out For Smear Campaign
Mayor Called Out For Smear Campaign
The owner of Key Auto Body, a business that has been in Matawan for generations, stepped up to the podium at the last council meeting to question Mayor Buccellato on his statements made to the press regarding payments made for emergency services. Not surprisingly, the mayor tried to blame the newspapers and his lack of control over what they print for the amounts reported. When pressed for a retraction, the mayor refused. He doesn’t do that. It seems he doesn’t mind being misquoted when it smears a legitimate business and discourages Democrats who work locally to run for council.
When he ran out of excuses he tried his old diversion trick. He couldn’t offer a valid reason for smearing a Democratic councilman at the expense of a Matawan business so he decided to continue his mudslinging by bringing up the councilman’s compensation package. Councilman Mendes has enrolled in the Borough health benefits plan, an option open to all elected officials. The Mayor was armed with this information but he failed to mention any previous elected officials who have been enrolled in the plan. He left out all the Republicans who have ever been enrolled in the plan. Has the mayor ever been enrolled during his reign of destruction? This information was not made available to the public, through the press or otherwise.
In a strange twist, the Mayor said he carries the information on Councilman Mendes in his car. You have to wonder why this would be necessary. Mayor Buccellato, where do you lock up all the information on the Republicans? Can these records still be found at Borough Hall? This shameless attempt to turn the issue of Buccellato’s smear campaign against a Matawan business into a ridiculous episode of finger-pointing and name-calling is a clear indication of this mayor’s lack of leadership ability. When given a choice, he opts for conflict between the parties. There is never an expression of appreciation only open signs of hostility. Matawan voters made their choice and they deserve more respect and less contempt.
Mayor, it is time to take the high road. There is less traffic and Matawan needs direction. Concentrate on what will make Matawan better; leave these petty attacks behind you. Matawan has been a wonderful town to live in, to raise a family in and to work in. Since you have been involved in local politics the downward spiral is apparent everywhere we look. Councilman Mendes was elected by the people of Matawan to serve the borough, please respect the wishes of the residents who elected him and get down to the business of running the town.
The residents elected a bi-partisan council and you should abide by the decision of the voters. Enough of these petty attacks; start the process of progress in Matawan. Reverse the downward spiral that has started with your involvement in Matawan politics. The residents have elected six intelligent council people so please stop the sabotage and start rebuilding the town.
No More Pay to Play in Matawan - Why so silent Mayor Buccellato?
No More Pay to Play in Matawan
Why so silent Mayor Buccellato?
On May 19, 2009 a letter was sent to Mayor Buccellato from Hill Wallack LLP, the law firm that Councilmen Mullaney and Mendes asked to review Ethics Ordinance 09-03 that was proposed by the Mayor. A copy of the letter was forwarded to the local newspapers and the Matawan Democratic Committee. To date, there has been no response from the Mayor or the Borough Attorney regarding the substantial concerns outlined by Paul Josephson, Esq. that the Borough of Matawan lacks the authority to revise the State’s uniform ethics code via the proposed ordinance.
Councilmen Mullaney and Mendes would like the Borough of Matawan to have an ethics ordinance in place that prohibits elected officials from using their position for financial gain; in other words:
No More Pay to Play in Matawan.
The state has guidelines that would help ensure this yet;
The Mayor proposes an ordinance that:
1. Is unenforceable
2. May be in violation of the state code
3. Opens the door for more lawsuits.
Thankfully, the State Division of Local Government Services has been informed of the Mayor’s proposed ordinance by Hill Wallack, LLP. This step was apparently overlooked by the Mayor in his haste to have this toothless ordinance passed so that the wolf would still be left in charge of the henhouse. The state recommends an ethics review board. The Mayor’s ordinance wants to deny residents the right to hold office if they do business with Matawan but it allows elected officials to do business with many firms that Matawan hires. Is there any transparency in this misguided logic?
Where is an enforceable ordinance that will reassure the taxpayers of Matawan that contracts are awarded with their best interests first not the interest of local government officials who make a living from government contracts? Matawan needs a Play to Play Ordinance that will address all members of our local government including architects not just the tire salesmen and tow truck operators. This is what makes a real Pay to Play Ordinance so vital. Shouldn’t the Mayor propose an ordinance that unites the council instead of perpetuating a state of conflict? All six council people are intelligent, hard-working residents who have been elected to do what’s best for Matawan; it is the Mayor’s duty to point them in the right direction. Time to step up, Mayor Buccellato.
PILOT or Suicide Bomber, you decide
PILOT or Suicide Bomber, you decide
When the Matawan-Aberdeen School Board announced a zero budget increase this year the taxpayers of Matawan still saw their school taxes rise while our neighbors in Aberdeen saw their school taxes decrease .This was confusing to many taxpayers in both towns. Of course the revaluation of properties coming to Matawan a year before Aberdeen’s revaluation had an effect. The decline in real estate prices are more accurately reflected in Aberdeen’s later reval and no amount of “Equalized Valuation Math” will remedy that.
There is another component in the allocation of school taxes between the towns that also explains the lopsided savings. It’s called Avalon at Aberdeen Station. This is the 290 unit apartment complex overlooking the parkway off lower Main Street in Aberdeen. This complex sold for $57,600,000 in June, 2006. Instead of paying real estate taxes on the buildings, The Avalon makes a Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) to Aberdeen Township. This allows Aberdeen to keep all the proceeds from this ratable and not share any with the school board. This has its own ramifications in Aberdeen but in Matawan it causes the taxpayers to pick up an unfair share of the school tax.
When the school board determines the amount of money they need for the school budget, the amount is allocated between the towns based on assessed valuation. This means that Aberdeen and Matawan’s total assessed valuation from real properties are added together after applying a factor to adjust for market to assessed value. Aberdeen pays their percentage of assessed value to the total assessed value and so does Matawan. The percentage is approximately 67% for Aberdeen and 33% for Matawan.
Unfortunately for Matawan taxpayers, the buildings at The Avalon are assessed at $29,723,900 and this entire amount is not included anywhere in the calculation. A $29,723,900 ratable for Aberdeen is not even in the equation when the school tax is allocated between the towns. Matawan taxpayers pick up the tab and Aberdeen gets to spend the PILOT money in Aberdeen and bypass the school tax. This win- win for Aberdeen is a drain on the taxpayers of Matawan.
Even a swing of 1% in the allocation of the school tax between the towns would represent significant saving to Matawan residents. This year’s school budget was $62 million and 1% of $62 million equals $620,000. That equals about 5 tax points in Matawan and would be some real tax relief to Matawan residents.
When Aberdeen granted this special treatment to the developer of The Avalon, Matawan’s Republican Mayor was Rob Clifton and Matawan’s council was made up of 6 Republicans, including Paul Buccellato. The land that was developed was owned by Joseph Rettagliata, Chairman of the Monmouth County Planning Board and owner of Strathmore Cleaners. Shortly after the apartment complex was built the politically ambitious Mayor of Matawan, Rob Clifton was asked to run for Monmouth County Freeholder. And Matawan taxpayers have been left paying a disproportionate share of school taxes ever since.
Why didn’t Matawan’s leadership fight Aberdeen’s plan to designate this land a redevelopment zone and collect a PILOT instead of real estate taxes?
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
The Matawan Advisor will do its best to inform the residents of Matawan about the decisions and actions of our local government officials. The Matawan Advisor will not participate in smear campaigns against the family members of our local government officials. For ugly rumors and baseless accusations and personal attacks on family members of Non-Republicans go to The Matawan
A Matawan resident with a Finance Background was recently asked to run for council and his response was an alarming, “Thanks but no thanks, I couldn’t subject my family to the abuse”. Can Matawan afford to lose good candidates; this particular fellow was a successful guy with 20+ years of Finance experience; because an anonymous blogger will stoop as low as necessary to ensure the Mayor’s job security?
We hope the Matawan Advocate’s lack of standards make you proud, Mayor Buccellato and you may rest assured that your family will not be subject to the same attacks here.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Quid Pro Quo, a favor for a favor
Quid Pro Quo, a favor for a favor
The Matawan Advisor has no idea why Henshell and Buccellato are so fortunate but we would like to Advise the Matawan Public about their FIRM’S FOCUS AND GOOD FORTUNE!
A Google Search turned this up:
Henshell and Buccellato, Consulting Architects
Justin Henshell, FAIA CSI FASTM; Paul Buccellato, AIA CSI FASTM
Firm Focus
Colleges and Universities, Courthouses, Entertainment Facilities,
Government Offices, K-12 Schools, Multi-Unit Residential, Religious Facilities, Warehouse/Office
Another Google Search turned this up:
From the Asbury Park Press, November 20, 2007:
High bidder gets pact for county roof design
Freeholders OK $125G contract
FREEHOLD — Days after Republicans retained control of the Monmouth County freeholder board in the Nov. 6 election, the board slipped a $125,400 contract to a politically connected engineering firm, despite the price being the highest of the four qualified bidders.
Paul Buccellato, a Republican councilman in Matawan, is a partner in the company that received the contract to design roof replacements for four buildings.
The bid by Henshell & Buccellato Co. of Red Bank — which for years has sent campaign contributions to the county GOP and received other Monmouth County government contracts — was $30,400 more than a quote from a Somerset County-based competitor seeking its first contract here, and $41,430 over the lowest bid.
AND another Google Search turned this up:
On January 13, 2005, Henshell & Buccellato was awarded a $25,000 contract by the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders to provide “call-in professional architectural services” for the Monmouth County Department of Buildings and Grounds for 2005.
T&M: License to Bond With Matawan’s Funds
T&M: License to Bond With Matawan’s Funds
The Mayor sets the Agenda for Council meetings and on August 18, 2009 he placed Ordinance 09-16 to issue a $350,000 bond for the Water Treatment Plant at the bottom of the lengthy agenda.
The Borough Engineer from T&M Associates informed the Council that he would need to leave the meeting before the introduction of this Ordinance. He reluctantly agreed to stay for the reading after a formal motion to change the Agenda was passed but the mayor would not allow any questions. That was a close one but the Mayor came to the rescue for T&M in the end. Why wasn’t the engineer prepared to discuss this? A $350,000 item shouldn’t be rubber-stamped by the Republican Majority Council.
The initial $200,000 Bond just wasn’t enough for T&M. What was Matawan buying for $200,000 that is now projected to cost $350,000? Is the entire $350,000 for “Engineering Fees” payable to T&M Engineering?
The Mayor has most graciously stated he would allow the T&M Engineer to answer questions at the second reading of the Ordinance. This should buy T&M enough time to come up with some answers.
We’ll try to let you know the date of the second reading but we have to wait for the mayor to set the agenda first and then release the agenda and then have it posted on the Borough website. The third step often happens after the meeting has taken place.
Agenda (From The Borough Website)
Borough of Matawan
August 18, 2009
Ordinance 09-16: Amending Ordinance 09-07: Bond Ordinance Providing an Appropriation of $200,000 for Improvements to the Water
Treatment Plant for and by the Borough of Matawan in the County
Of Monmouth, New Jersey and Authorizing the Issuance of
$200,000 Bonds or Notes of the Borough for Financing Part of the
You just can’t tell from reading what is put up on the Borough Website that this Bond Ordinance 09-16 is for $350,000. Is this another attempt to mislead Matawan taxpayers?
Why would this misinformation be posted on The Matawan Advocate?
Why would this misinformation be posted on The Matawan Advocate?
Taking quite a long time to hire patriot consulting again.
April 7, 2009 3:11 PM
“Anonymous, Re: Patriot Consulting.
It would seem to me if the Borough Dept Heads make cuts themselves (as has been done) we do not require Patriot's services for this year. Without all the facts, it is only supposition.
Await your answers. Thanks.”April 7, 2009 3:55 PM
Now that we have a Borough Administator, Bill Garafolo,let's give him a chance. He certainly was knowledgeable at last night's Council meeting. April 8, 2009 9:30 PM
Ku rti s said...
Please give the info and background about the outside firm that has been hire d
April 9, 2009 2:50 PM
Kurtis, No outside firm was hired. Matawan hired a part time Boro Administrator, William Garofolo. Previously, we had a full time B.A. who was paid salary & benefits. The move to part time will provide a cost savings to the Borough.
Patriot was a firm hired by the Boro several years ago. Believe the comment made by Mayor Buccellatto referred to work done years ago.
Trust that answers your question.
Thanks for writing in...
April 10, 2009 12:02 PM
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Oh what a difference a year makes:
Oh what a difference a year makes:
This was posted by Mayor Buccellato’s #1 Fan
The Electronic Spreader of Misinformation and Petty Accusations
From April 25, 2008: THE MATAWAN ADVOCATE:
“There hasn't been a meeting we've attended that the majority party doesn't look to spend money. Bonds are not the answer at this time, reduction in bonds could afford taxpayers a reduction. When the economy improves we can take on additional debt. The Dems want to float bonds like it is "free money" that we don't have to pay back. Why not give taxpayers a break and wait until we have a Budget that incorporates projected increases for next year.
Thanks for writing and we hope we answered your question.”
The Matawan Advocate, April 25, 2008 1:34 PM
Now that the Republicans are the majority where is the outrage as they introduce Bond Increases like the $350,000 new bond for the Water Plant that was supposed to $200,000?
The silence is deafening…….
Friday, August 21, 2009
Drapes Anyone?
What’s next Mayor, Will you be choosing drapery colors for Mr. Garofalo’s new office?
Mayor Buccellato can surely bog down the council in details. At the last council meeting he led a lengthy discussion on carpeting for the yoga room. Yawn. Are any decisions made without his blessing?
Considering Matawan has an outside service that provides the yoga lessons and a Recreation Director to oversee the program and a Business Administrator to supervise the Recreation Director and three Councilpeople who are Recreation Commissioners, why is this a topic of discussion at a Council Meeting? Doesn’t the Mayor trust his colleague’s ability to choose a carpet? The word “delegate” is missing from his vocabulary, and until he acquires this essential management skill, Matawan’s real problems won’t be addressed.
What is he doing about the vacant stores downtown, rising taxes and foreclosures, possible furloughs for borough employees, and the train station development? Is he so busy picking out carpet for the yoga room that he hasn’t noticed the town crumbling around him? Or is this part of his grand plan for redevelopment?
By the way, the police officers present at this council meeting had to be scratching their heads over the Mayor’s concern for the yoga room carpet considering the state of their headquarters. It is falling down around them.
Ghostbusters or our Phantom Business Administrator?
Just who can you call for an explanation in Matawan?
Let’s see…
There’s our new Business Administrator, Patriot Consulting. Their contract calls for a political crony, Mr. William Garofalo to work for Matawan Borough fifteen hours a week. Of course these aren’t specific hours. These fifteen hours are random and certainly not posted anywhere. Not to worry, there’s no time clock to be punched at Borough Hall for any employee. Matawan has the Honor System. Oh and every other week, when there is a council meeting or even one of the Mayor’s Waste of Time “Workshops”, this time counts toward the fifteen hours a week, so every other week Mr. Garofalo is available for only ten hours or so.
Matawan residents can thank Mayor Buccellato for this appointment. He replaced a full-time Business Administrator with his crony and now Mr. Garofalo will have the opportunity to solve our budget crisis and run the town (further into the ground) in no time…literally. Patriot Consulting will have him do this for a mere $60,000 fee and Manchester Township and NJ PERS are paying for his health benefits and pension. Talk about “Wheelin’ and Dealin’”. We will never know if there were more qualified candidates because the position was never advertised properly. It was another back room deal that exposes Matawan to yet another lawsuit for disregarding EEOC regulations.
Funny thing, Mr. Garofalo lives in Ocean Township and is a councilman there. You would think he would know better. The head of their Administration Department is a full-time employee with dual master’s degrees in Public Administration and Business Administration. On second thought, Mr. Garofalo worked in Manchester Township where they play musical chairs with this position; currently their Mayor’s former secretary is the Borough Administrator in Manchester.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.
Go ahead, give him a call and catch him if you can. His number is listed as 732-566-3898 ext. 601. Good Luck!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Selling tires
Bud Mullaney sold tires in Matawan before he was a councilman and he continues to sell tires in Matawan.
Key Auto Body, owned by Councilman Mendes parents, towed cars in Matawan before Kevin was a councilman and they continue to tow cars in Matawan.
Mayor Buccelato receives lucrative government contracts for his architectural services. His Red Bank firm is even awarded these contracts without being the lowest bidder. Was the mayor’s firm awarded these contracts before he was politically connected?
Now our mayor is feigning outrage over honest businesspeople selling tires and towing cars but yet he won’t open up his books to disclose just how much he earns from his government contracts.
Hypocrite or threatened by the only two people on the council who are looking over his shoulder?
When will the mayor start to focus on Matawan’s real problems? Could it be that Matawan isn’t the mayor’s priority just the government contracts he’s awarded by the virtue of his position?
Selling tires and towing cars are nowhere near as profitable as “Government Contracts for Architectural Services”.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Why did Mayor Buccelato hire a consulting firm as our new Business Administrator?
Why did Mayor Buccelato hire a consulting firm as our new Business Administrator? Is he aiding and abetting Mr. William Garofalo as he circumvents NJ Pension law? Patriot Consulting has been hired as the new Matawan Borough Administrator. Mr. William Garofalo, the (former) Chief Financial Officer for
Yes, Mr. Garofalo is being paid from
Good thing Patriot’s contract with Matawan only requires him to work 15 hours per week for the $60,000 we’re paying. Since Matawan’s borough offices are only open 4 days a week, his required time averages out to 1.5 days per week. Not bad for someone who has never even been a Business Administrator before.
Monday, July 27, 2009
We advise, you decide - Stand up to the hypocricy of this mayor
Not simple here in Matawan though because here in Matawan, we have elected a tyrant as our mayor. Here, the mayor orders a political hack to draft an ordinance that targets the only two Democrats on the council. Mullaney, a tire dealer and Mendes, the son of an auto body shop owner.
The tire dealer does less than $1,000 worth of business a year with the town...Yet, somehow, Mullaney Tires provides a convenience for Matawan's emergency vechiles that need a tire repair in a hurry is so offensive to the entrenched mayor that he has proposed an ordinance that would prohibit one of the town's largest employers and taxpayers from doing any business with the town.
The tyrant's other target is the son of another successful Matawan business owner and employer. This business has been providing towing services from the scenes of traffic accidents in Matawans for decades and also averages less than $1,000 per year in business with the town. Now the mayor wants this mom and pop business owner to stop providing services in Matawan because his son serves on the council.
Does this mayor have a problem with successful Matawan business owners and employers? He certainly didn't have a problem providing his own services to Matawan.
He told anyone who would listen how he modeled the expensive wood ceilings in The Matawan Community Center in homage to the work of a famous architect (oxymoron his). He is also responsible for that ridiculous and expensive walkway overhang outside the center that he calls a flying bridge. So he can sell us a bridge as long as his fees are buries in the accounts of the general contractor he hired but his opponents are prohibited from providing emergency services to our police and first aid.
Matawan needs ethics reform that rewards good business practices. Matawan needs an ordinance that will eliminiate the unfair advantage awarded to a roof architect whose office is in Red Bank not Matawan. And mostly, Matawan needs elected officials that act in the best interest of Matawan.
It is time for Matawan to stand united and reject the hypocrisy of this mayor. Don't take the Advisor's word for it - Do the research and see for yourself the hypocritical actions of this Mayor.
It is time for a change. It is time to support the small business owners who have given so much to this town instead of the hypocricy of this mayor.