Friday, August 21, 2009

Drapes Anyone?

We Advise - You Decide

What’s next Mayor, Will you be choosing drapery colors for Mr. Garofalo’s new office?

Mayor Buccellato can surely bog down the council in details. At the last council meeting he led a lengthy discussion on carpeting for the yoga room. Yawn. Are any decisions made without his blessing?

Considering Matawan has an outside service that provides the yoga lessons and a Recreation Director to oversee the program and a Business Administrator to supervise the Recreation Director and three Councilpeople who are Recreation Commissioners, why is this a topic of discussion at a Council Meeting? Doesn’t the Mayor trust his colleague’s ability to choose a carpet? The word “delegate” is missing from his vocabulary, and until he acquires this essential management skill, Matawan’s real problems won’t be addressed.

What is he doing about the vacant stores downtown, rising taxes and foreclosures, possible furloughs for borough employees, and the train station development? Is he so busy picking out carpet for the yoga room that he hasn’t noticed the town crumbling around him? Or is this part of his grand plan for redevelopment?

By the way, the police officers present at this council meeting had to be scratching their heads over the Mayor’s concern for the yoga room carpet considering the state of their headquarters. It is falling down around them.

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