Friday, October 30, 2009

If you volunteer your time to make Matawan a better place, you deserve applause.

We advise, you decide

If you volunteer your time to make Matawan a better place,
you deserve applause.

After witnessing a car accident that set an engine on fire, shooting flames thirty feet in the air, the sight of volunteer firefighters jumping from their trucks in the middle of Route 34 to put out the flames left a sense of awe that these brave men were doing this as volunteers.

Watching your son make a game ending catch in centerfield or your daughter dribble a soccer ball through two defenders before passing to her teammate is only possible because parents volunteer as coaches, league organizers and sometimes taxi drivers.

The Memorial Day Parade is the best display of Matawan Volunteers.
A mile long stream of residents and children proud to show their participation in all the best Matawan has to offer. With an escort by The Matawan Police Department, representatives from every organization march from Saint Clements Church to the Train Station. Waving flags and shouting to neighbors and friends while the High School Band plays the Star-Spangled Banner, Matawan celebrates a somber National Holiday by showing its appreciation for those who make Matawan a better place.

Matawan Church Groups make their own floats, The Historical Society endures the walk in period clothing from another century, Matawan Senior Groups entertain us with renditions of golden oldies and Boys and Girls Scout Groups throw candy to the crowds along Main Street. All the youth sports groups are represented by a rainbow of different colored team shirts. The Fire Departments in dress uniforms march behind their Fire Engines that are polished reflections of their dedication and service.

The parade reminds us that there are many volunteer organizations in Matawan and every volunteer adds something that makes Matawan a better place to live. It is time to expect the same from our elected officials. We need people in office who can make Matawan a better place to live.

We need to elect Mullaney and Paolini on November 3.


  1. I love how the advocate continues to attack a man that has served the town for the last four years on the council and many others as a buisness man. The advocate is a jerk!

  2. Kudos to you, its great to see a blogger in Matawan that is not going themselves and is open minded!

  3. Dont forget about the Turkey Trot This Saturday!!!!

  4. Mike and rec committee did a great job with the 5k. Thanks, everyone had a great time!

  5. I see our mayor is on the ball....or is he?
