Friday, October 30, 2009

ONE TERM IS NOT ENOUGH to correct the decades of incompetent financial management by Matawan Republicans

We advise, you decide

ONE TERM IS NOT ENOUGH to correct the decades of incompetent financial management by Matawan Republicans.

In 2008, Matawan Borough borrowed $300,000 in “Emergency Funds” from the 2009 budget to pay for 2008 expenses.

The Republicans offered many excuses,

Blaming the Democrats-original
Blaming the cost of insurance-finally dropping the self-insurance
that was recommended three years earlier by the Democrats
Blaming the loss of state aid-while still receiving more aid per capita than most towns

The Republicans failed to mention the $213,000 overpayment to the Matawan-Aberdeen Board of Education that will be returned in 2009. This overpayment was discovered by the Audit Firm hired by the Democrats and then fired by the Republicans.

The Republicans failed to mention the loss from Train Station of almost $70,000. Remarkably, the train station is projected to breakeven in 2009.

2008 2009

Railroad Income $125,000 $245,608
Railroad Expenses 192,805 245,608

Net (Loss) $( 67,805) 0

The Republicans failed to mention that $276,959 of 2008 expenses were not even paid until 2009. Emergency funds or election deception?

Don’t be mislead by the Republican Excuses,
Vote Mullaney and Paolini for Matawan Borough Council,
A successful businessman and a lawyer.
Vote for Business leaders with real financial experience.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like no matter who you listen to it's the blame game - "they didn't do this" or "they didn't do that" It think both parties have nothing to show for themselves. Matawan has a main street spotted with failed businesses and no signs of improving. I wish the picture looked different, but it don't. :(
